
NetAP’s board

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Many years of experience in animal welfare in Switzerland and abroad, a great deal of commitment and dedication and a highly professional attitude is what characterizes the board members of NetAP. All board members exercise their functions on an honorary basis.

NetAP’s board

Esther Geisser

President and founder

Esther Geisser is NetAP’s president and founder. She studied law (lic.iur.) and has been an animal rights activist since her early youth. For years, she held leading positions as Human Resources Manager in large-scale companies and continues to consult in Human Resources and labor law matters. In addition, she has completed the training as a pet behavior counsellor at the Institute for applied Ethology and Animal Psychology, is a member of VIETA and has successfully completed the FBA for care staff in animal shelters, including an internship. She has been active in animal welfare since her earliest childhood.

Prof. Dr. Bruno Mascello

Vice president and founding member

Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. iur. Bruno Mascello is NetAP’s vice president and founding member. He is an Attorney at Law (www.mascello-legal.ch) and active at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He has extensive and long-standing experience in the field of animal rights protection. He has extensive and long-standing experience in the field of animal rights protection.

Next to his many tasks as a board member, he also regularly participates in our programs.

Dr. Enrico Clavadetscher

Board member and medical director

Dr. med. Vet Enrico Clavadetscher is NetAP’s medical director and a member of the board. He had his own clinic for small animals in Dübendorf for many years. Given his former position as president of the Veterinarian Society of Zurich (Gesellschaft Zürcher Tierärzte) and his position as vice president of VetSuisse Alumni, he has an excellent network of fellow veterinarians and is held in high esteem among his peers for his animal rights efforts. His high professional standard has shaped our spay/neuter programs from the very beginning. He regularly takes part in our activities in Switzerland and abroad.

More about our president and founder Esther Geisser

Since her youth, Esther Geisser has regularly written articles for various newspapers and trade journals. Sechs Jahre lang erschien im „Welt der Tiere“ ihre Kolumne „aus dem Leben einer Tierschützerin“ mit Episoden aus ihrem Alltag. Im Katzenmagazin schrieb sie ebenfalls sechs Jahre lang zusammen mit Katze Luzy eine Kolumne über Luzys Leben und im “Beobachter Natur” beantwortete sie mehrere Jahre Fragen rund um Tiere und Tierschutz.

The magazine “Schweizer Beobachter” describes her as follows: “Esther Geisser ranks among those people who cannot rest on her couch for a single minute as long as any animal anywhere in the world is still suffering.”

Der bekannte australische Philanthrop Philip Wollen sagt: “Esther is already one of the leaders in animal protection in Europe. But she and NetAP are destined to be a significant force in reducing animal cruelty in my beloved India.”

Since 2014, she has been fully committed to animal welfare as an executive board member and is on duty almost every day.

Tierratgeber Kolumne im Beobachter

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