
Vegan Food for the Poor

Aktivitäten > Further projects > Vegan Food for the Poor

The hardships in India are huge, both among people and animals. Our Indian partner VSPCA launched this project in early 2010. Initially, 40 homeless people were selected to receive vegan meals on a regular basis. Depending on the local situation and available resources, the program has even been expanded in the past to serve up to 80 people. In addition to poverty, the main requirement for inclusion in this project is a love of street animals.

Animal welfare in connection with human welfare

Many of these people are disabled, sick, or elderly. Cast aside by society, they are in desperate need of help. They often feel very lonely and abandoned by their fellow human beings and therefore turn to animals. Thus, from a sad situation arises a wonderful synergy between humans and animals as fellow sufferers, from which both sides benefit.

Especially at night, these people and animals come together to give each other warmth and comfort. They become what are known as ‘Night Companions’ or ‘Friends by Night’. It is not uncommon for these people to offer the first bite of their meal to the dog before they eat themselves.

These people also become ‘soldiers on the field’, immediately informing VSPCA if something is wrong with an animal or if they witness any illegal activity against animals. This is invaluable in the fight against the immense suffering of animals. Many animals have been rescued thanks to these individuals.

The need among homeless animal lovers is very high.

Costs per person and month are CHF 15

This program is financed exclusively by designated donations. We would be delighted if we could include more people in the program.

Alleviate current animal suffering and prevent future misery: your donation makes it possible!